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Ok, this is just wrong… November 18, 2006

Posted by sdpurtill in BS, Girls, High School, Rants.
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As a rule, I never write about anything personal in my blog. I’ll tell you what’s going on at school, work, home, but never what’s going on with any of my real personal life, or, even worse, what’s going on with my relationships. Why ? Because that’s just messing with privacy. I especially would never mess with my friends’ private lives; that’s just not right. Before I post anything that has to do with somebody that I am friends with, I would definitely ask them permission (quotes don’t count).

I never knew until just now, but someone has been writing stuff about me; I was clueless until I clicked through a link tonight. Come on now, public information isn’t something to be taken lightly !

That’s some immature BS.

I don’t want to post a link to the site, because it wouldn’t be considerate of her privacy either. The funny thing about it is she told me that she didn’t want me to find that page; yet why would you post public information for anyone to see if you don’t want the person that you’re talking about to see it ?

Do I smell a lawsuit? 😀 Nahh…

The fact of the matter is, I don’t care what she wrote about me. Of course some people aren’t going to like me; I’m extremely opinionated and egotistical as hell. But in the words of my great cousin, Stephen Jr., “It’s better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for what you’re not.” Anyways, I don’t care enough to make a big deal out of it. I won’t even bring it up in a conversation; I’ve done enough ranting on here to get it out of my system.

Come to think about it — I think I might be breaking my most important rule on this post:

“Never post when angry.”

But I didn’t mention any names or link any links, so I think this is Ok to go public; it’s just a personal illustration of how blogging can unwantingly invade the private lives of others.


I am done thinking about this or even wasting time over this crap. I’ll leave the post up though just so I can go back in 3 years and laugh that I even wasted time writing something like this. Damn, I just realized I won’t get the 20 minutes back that I wasted on this 😦

Dating in high school September 5, 2006

Posted by sdpurtill in Girls, High School, Rants.

Retrospectively, I completely agree with my dad’s advice to not date in high school. But hind sight is 20/20. And speaking of vision, I need to get some glasses; it’s hard to drive when you can’t see the road signs until they’re 10 feet in front of you :p…

But seriously, I find dating in high school to be one of the stupidest things ever. I am passionately against it. I know of only two couples that dated all through high school and got married. I don’t think I’m being pessemistic about these relationships; I think I’m just being realistic. I try being objectional objective and listen to my friends who are dating, but the more and more I see these relationships fall apart, the more and more I know my view of it is right.

Here’s a list of my reasons why dating is a waste of time in high school

#1 – It’s a waste of time

All the time that you could be learning, gaining an edge on everyone else in life. While they’re out wasting their time with their partners, you are free to learn anything! Oh the possibilities… You could become a senior web developer, an award winning designer, an architect, a writer for the newspaper. All this time could be spent towards something that has relevant to your life after high school.

#2 – It’s such a waste of money

Unless you’re making $100 an hour, then you have no business taking a girl on extravagent dates. Spending your life savings on your girlfriend’s birthday present is stupider than spending it on weed. Well maybe not, but they’re both just as stupid. The worst is when a girl is waiting to break up with the guy, but “only after my birthday.” I have a friend who did that, she got a Tiffany necklace and then broke up with him 3 days later. Smart move buddy, should have spent that $500 on yourself.

#3 – It’s a waste of emotions

Emotions that you can’t get back. Ok this is getting kind of gay, enough said about that.

#4 – You lose all of your friends

This is true about almost any relationship; the couple ditches everyone else so they can spend that precious time with eachother. Oh, did I mention that all that time was a waste ? If you’ve got close enough friends, then they’ll accept you back when you’ve broken up with your “lover.” Psh. Writing this makes me hate high school dating even more.

#5 – It’s suuuuuuuch a waste of money

Money that you could invest. Money that you could pay for college with. Money that you could buy a car with. Money that you could open a company with. Money makes the world go ’round, not your stupid girlfriend.

Ok I’m done. The list is much longer, but I’m too tired to embellish. Those are my 5 main points, and I’ll always stick by them. Because in the end, I’ll be right every single time.